*expecco ALM is an integrated component of AIDYMO and is still available as a customer portal.
expecco ALM – the stress-free way to quality management
Manage and automate all test runs and resources in one place – with expecco ALM as an integral part of AIDYMO.
For holistic quality management: requirements, tests, resources, errors and projects are recorded centrally by our web-based tool and managed in a linked manner. expecco ALM accompanies and supports you throughout the entire product development cycle and is therefore an ideal supplement to test automation and development with expecco. All important information is always presented to you at a glance. This provides you with an optimal visualisation of your test results and an overview of the project progress at all times.

Automated resource management
Our web-based tool optimises test execution based on the available resources and distributes tasks according to the available test machines and people. expecco ALM monitors the use of test computers and devices and automatically ensures that as many tests as possible run simultaneously, but do not interfere with each other. The test sequence is constantly monitored and the results are then archived. The planning and control of your test runs is clearly mapped and compliance with deadlines, material and cost targets is monitored.

expecco ALM as customer platform
As a customer, you receive free access to expecco ALM. There you have the opportunity to ask individual questions about our products and report errors. At the same time, expecco ALM is used to manage your licence files and your support points.
A benefit for all participants
Product Managers, Project Managers, Test Managers, Testers.
Within expecco ALM, a flexible role model provides a customised view of the project for all those involved. Product managers receive a detailed overview of the project planning with all requirements, enabling them to monitor the development process and assign tasks within the team. Trends and risks are recognised at an early stage and can therefore be easily assessed and avoided. The operational planning and control of a project is clearly visualised for project managers. Compliance with technical, deadline and cost targets is monitored during project implementation. Required resources or personnel and equipment bottlenecks become visible at an early stage in the utilisation plan. The planning and execution of tests is significantly supported for test managers and the optimal utilisation of personnel and equipment is supported. The protocols and test evidence created by testers are versioned and automatically forwarded to all those involved. All parameters relevant to the test, such as test data, devices and personnel, are logged and stored in a database.

Our innovation – your benefits:
- Overview of the available resources
- Optimum utilisation of the test systems
- Precise definition of the execution sequence
- Evaluability of test progress
- Early detection of bottlenecks
- Automatic updating in the event of changes to availability
- Clear planning, allocation and tracking
- Customised workflow
- Flexible roles and rights concept
- Cost planning and overview
- Consistent: from planning to submission
- Customised input masks
- Scrum/Kanban overview
- Can be combined with other QM tools