Project descriptions

Michel Holdener, Head of Test & Integration Access, Swisscom AG
„The cooperation with the “eXept” team is very uncomplicated and goal attainment is always the focus. Moreover, we were impressed by the dynamism and the tireless work ethic of the project team. We were completely convinced that, in “expecco”, we were receiving a good solution in the technical sense and super support from the technical specialists at all time. It is worth noting how the employees of “eXept” respond to our customer requirements and try to contribute their experience to our benefit. From these two perspectives, very good results are then obtained.“
During 197 test runs with a runtime of up to 650 hours per month, high optimization potential is found. It is necessary to exploit such potential because the testing requirements are continuously increasing. Test runs are become more and more complex and more and more tests must be conducted with less manpower in a shorter period of time. In addition, highly-qualified employees must be relieved of repetitive tasks in order for them to be deployed where they are truly needed. In order to meet these requirements, test automation with expecco was done in the “testing wireline access” area.
Description Subproject (German language)

Thomas Jannsen, Procect Manager, UBS Wealth Management AG
„The period of training for expecco was very short and the project employees really accepted it. The cooperation with eXept Software AG was very cooperative and uncomplicated. There was always a direct line to the Developers and the Support Team. Thus, one didn’t have long waiting times. Moreover, due to the direct support provided via coaching, knowledge and best practices were able to be conveyed on the team and thus, in addition to a one-day expecco training class, a high performance level during test automation was able to be attained. If expecco had not been used for the project, a team for the manual and technical test implementation would have had to have been formed early on.“
Use of the expecco test automation tool for testing corporate actions in a financial service provider’s Web and back-end areas. Plug-ins: Quality Center Interface, XMI Import, SWIFT Messaging, IBM WebSphere MQ.
Description Subproject (German language)

Artur Wohlfrom, Project Manager, AIRBUS Defence & Space GmbH
„Nach einer nur zweiwöchigen Einlernphase war das System in unserem Haus etabliert. Durch die sehr gute Zusammenarbeit mit eXept und einer hervorragenden Einführung war die Handhabung der Software kein Problem und die Erwartungen wurden absolut erfüllt. Damit ist die Software eine gute Lösung um auf die kürzeren Produktlebenszyklen zu reagieren und den Automatisierungsgrad zu erhöhen“.
Projektbeispiel Flugsicherheit
Der Systemaufbau des Projektes besteht aus einer Vielzahl einzelner Applikationen. Diese wurden mit unterschiedlichen Technologien entwickelt (Java, C++, C#) und nutzen verschiedene Toolkits (Swing, Qt, Forms). Zusätzlich gibt es weitere Schnittstellen zu Datenbanken, Signalgeneratoren und Power Control Infrastruktur. Auf der Suche nach einer Lösung hat sich AIRBUS nach einer Kosten- und Nutzenanalyse für expecco entschieden.
Description Subproject (German language)

Daniel Kistrup, Test- and quality management IT, Hermes Europe GmbH
“The valuable expertise and experience of eXept Software AG has helped us make great progress with our task. expecco was the right choice, especially when it came to our focus on the technical automation of complicated processes on mobile devices. We look forward to continuing our excellent collaboration with eXept Software AG in the future.”

Timo Zimmermann, Manager SW-Controls, HOMAG GmbH
“The variety of technologies supported by expecco combined with an extremely high degree of flexibility quickly convinced us. The very good and uncomplicated cooperation with eXept Software AG and the support have helped us to quickly familiarise ourselves with the test automation in order to implement the first complicated issues from the user interface to distributed systems down to the fieldbus level. expecco sustainably increases the degree of automation and our software quality.”

Dr. Ulrich Heller, Head of Software Development, CHIRON Werke
“With professional test automation, we can significantly optimise the quality assurance of our machine tools and software solutions. We gain efficiency and, at the same time, significantly higher test coverage than would be possible with manual tests.”

Michael Husi, Project Manager, CSC Switzerland GmbH
“We chose the expecco test development and automation tool from eXept Software because expecco is one of the few tools that can test Java Wen Applications based on the SmartGWT framework. expecco is easy and efficient to use and has a very attractive price-performance ratio. The cooperation with eXept and especially with the support team has always been pleasant and unbureaucratic.”

Fabian Kramer, Software Engineer, Evatec AG
“Thanks to the excellent cooperation with eXept Software AG, we were able to create an ideal testing tool for our company. The automated software test system that we now operate with expecco helps us to fulfil our particularly high requirements.”