Continuous Integration

This is how expecco integrates itself into the continuous integration process

For a repeatable, reliable process and an increased level of quality

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contious integration expecco

and these advantages with expecco are decisive:

  • Parallel execution of complex tests
  • Automatic reports at any level of detail
  • Automatic provision of results for developers, testers and managers
  • Automatic allocation of errors to responsible persons


Continuous test automation

Compared to other test automation solutions, expecco can be used consistently at all test levels and enables test automation across the entire product development cycle.

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expecco continuous ta


anforderungen continuous ta

Component test

komponenten test continuous ta

Integrations test

integration continuous ta

System test

system continuous ta

End-to-end test

endtoend continuous ta


This approach minimises costs and risks and makes expecco extremely economical: the ROI is achieved significantly earlier than with other test automation solutions. 90 per cent of our customers achieve ROI after the first year. By using test cases on simulated target systems and the high reusability of the initial tests, a high degree of automation can be achieved in a short space of time, allowing development times to be significantly reduced and error detection to be continuously optimised.

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AIDYMO/expecco – for powerful automation

Would you like to find out more about our demo licence?
We will be happy to provide you with a time-limited full version of AIDYMO or expecco.

Phone: +49 7142 91948-0

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