Test Development

This is how Test Development Works with expecco

Usually several teams with different competencies work together in a product development cycle. Whether the user is a product developer or project coordinator, has programming knowledge or has none, expecco offers an exact procedure for every function. This allows all participants to work efficiently in a goal-oriented manner using the same tool.


Test development with expecco via:

grafische testentwicklung rekorder programmierung

Drag & Drop

Capture & Replay

Code API

Graphical test development via drag-and-drop

Simple test development with our libraries

Because the tests are graphically formulated as UML elements at a high abstraction level, different users, such as product managers, software developers, domain experts, and testers, can understand, develop, and modify the test scenarios. No programming knowledge is required. You will find basic function blocks in our extensive libraries. And each block contains functionalities that have already been implemented and can be executed directly.

bibliotheken konzept screen > bibliotheken konzept > bibliotheken konzept baustein

Ready-to-use modules for complete functions


The networks created using drag & drop are stored as new building blocks and can therefore be used as ready-made components in more complex networks. In this way, even complicated processes can be graphically modelled and modified in a way that is easy to understand, as recurring functions do not have to be developed again and again. The entire test development process becomes much more transparent, flexible and easy to maintain.

watch the video


Reality compliant testing

You can arrange the activity blocks and connect them to form a network with simple mouse clicks. Input and output pins define the processing steps. The result is an activity diagram that reproduces the test realistically, is easy to understand, and can be easily expanded.

Realitätskonform testen

The graphical test development highlights:

  • Test descriptions are interpreted immediately, and the test procedure is displayed in detail and animated live.
  • Running tests can be stopped, executed in single-step mode, and modified and continued during the run.
  • The tests can be flexibly parameterized.
  • Test processes adapt dynamically to changed configurations.
  • Clearly defined interfaces ensure that product changes and expansions require maintenance at one point only.
  • Integrated version management ensures consistent data storage.

testentwicklung expecco per capture replayTest development via Capture & Replay with integrated recorder

The integrated recorder makes it easy to record test scenarios. These actions generate expecco modules that can be reused, modified, extended or parameterised at any time. The recordings can be integrated into more complex test sequences as sub-components. integriert werden.

Capture & Replay example

programmatische testentwicklung

Major advantages compared to browser recording

If recording takes place directly in the corresponding browser, a module is created for each individual activity. This also applies to mouse movements. This results in huge networks of blocks that have to be laboriously reworked afterwards. In addition, an individual recording must be made for each different browser. These disadvantages are easily avoided with the integrated recorder: Here you can select which activity is to be recorded and created as a module. At the same time, all common browsers can be created in a recording and therefore in a single test case. This is one of expecco’s greatest strengths.


programmatische testentwicklung

Programmatic test development


Softwareentwickler können jederzeit zusätzliche Funktionalitäten entwickeln, Bausteine ergänzen oder Anbindungen an spezielle Geräte, Systeme oder Dienste erstellen. So lässt sich expecco ganz nach Ihren Bedürfnissen anpassen und erweitern.

more about test automation


Import of existing test descriptions

Import of Node and Python packages

With our new expecco version you can easily and quickly connect Node and Python packages. You can now use a wide variety of modules that are published on the web and exist for almost any problem.

expecco kreis

Your expecco benefits at a glance

  • Transparent presentation of test sequences and plans
  • Test creation also possible without programming knowledge
  • Running tests can be paused, modified and continued
  • Test sequences adapt dynamically to changed configurations
  • Changes are only necessary in one central location
  • Flexible parameterisation options
  • Linear and parallel test sequences

Dynamischer Testlauf

Dynamic test sequence

The test execution does not have to be rigidly linear. expecco can also react to preconditions and changes in the application’s status. The test sequence then automatically adapts to variants or configurations. The same sequence can be parameterised differently and executed several times or in parallel. expecco can communicate with several devices or protocols simultaneously within a test run and also execute several test runs in parallel.

workflow engine

expecco is based on a workflow engine

The test descriptions modelled as graphical diagrams are processed by a workflow engine.

Find out more about our Workflow Engine



AIDYMO/expecco – for powerful automation

Would you like to find out more about our demo licence?
We will be happy to provide you with a time-limited full version of AIDYMO or expecco.

Phone: +49 7142 91948-0
E-Mail: info@exept.de 

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