No. 1 – Test development with provided block libraries.
Test development with expecco is based on the graphical modelling of test modules. This approach is one of the basic functions of expecco. This means that a module is created for each test step, which in turn is combined with other modules to form a network or a test sequence. Entire test networks and sequences can be created with simple mouse clicks. In this way, activity diagrams are created which, on the one hand, realistically depict the test and, on the other, combine different technologies. In this way, both complex systems and a large number of different technologies and devices can be integrated into a single test case. This approach enables easy-to-understand modelling of the test sequences and is the key to high reusability and flexibility.
Graphic test modelling has many advantages
Test descriptions are interpreted immediately and the test sequence is displayed in detail and animated live. Running tests can be paused, executed in single-step mode and continuously modified and continued. At the same time, flexible parameterisation is possible and all test sequences adapt dynamically to changed configurations. Clearly defined interfaces guarantee that product changes and enhancements only need to be maintained in one place. The integrated version management also ensures consistent data management. The basic system comes with a large number of programmed and ready-to-use modules. These can either be used individually or combined to form entire networks of modules. We deliver frequently required modules directly with the expecco basic system. The modules required for the test sequence can be selected from a library using drag & drop. The standard library contains domain-independent modules that are suitable for any type of test case. If the blocks provided do not meet the requirements, the parameters and variables can be easily changed – even without programming knowledge.
The latest update brings many new features
Zusätzlich zu der umfassenden Standardbibliothek wurde das expecco-Basissystem mit dem letzten Update um eine Node.js-Anbindung erweitert. Damit kann eine Vielzahl an einsatzbereiten Programmen direkt in die Testentwicklung mit expecco integriert werden. Mit jedem weiteren Update werden die Bausteine und Schnittstellen gepflegt und auf den neusten Versionsstand gebracht.
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